Terms Of Use
promocode2025.com lists deals and coupons from other shopping websites on the internet. We are not an online merchant and don’t source own products and services.
We Share available products and services of different brands, merchants and dealers in one place for the usability and Convenience of Users.
At this moment we do not promote a particular brand or work for a particular brand. We post deals and coupons as a suggestion which we think is the best deal and available at the lowest price.
When you purchase at any merchant or book any service is at your sole discretion. Any queries or complaints regarding that would be subjected to the terms and conditions of the merchant website only. We would be not responsible, for any products or services you ordered from the merchant website.
All deals, coupons, and promotions on our Website are subject to change without notice. We would not guarantee accuracy any links or coupons they may be bound to their merchant websites only.
You agree to comply with all the rules and regulations that are applicable to your use of the Website, including, without limitation, those governing the transmission or use of any data, information.
1. promocode2025.com doesn’t guarantee that you will get the products, freebies, etc. promoted on our website
2. promocode2025.com does not sell any product or freebies or similar things
3. promocode2025.com also Shares tricks that are obtained from other sources. We are not responsible for any loss that occurs to you using that trick.
3. You agree that promocode2025.com shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such dealings. If there is a dispute between users on this site, or between users and any third party.
4. promocode2025.com is not responsible, for any products ordered from our affiliated or nonaffiliated merchants.
5. Please read our Privacy Policy. In order to use our service, you mApril agree with all terms or information provided in Privacy Policy.
6. You mApril be at least 12 years of age to use our service.